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A Janequin

Enjoy the French chanson 

Coming soon in CD

A tribute to a great and prolific master of polyphony of the XVIth.

Janequin is known for his onomatopoeic style in the "Le chant des Oyseaulx", "La guerre" or "Les cris de Paris", but it was very good in lyrical compositions and sacred music.


Le chant de l’alouette 

Va rossignol

Il estoit une fillette

J’atends le temps

Toutes les nuitz

Tetin réfaict

J'ay double dueil

Anonimo: La Rossignol, a due liuti

Le chant des oyseaux


Le chant du rossignol
Amour et moy

Herbes et fleurs

M'y levay par ung matin


Francesco da Milano: Canone, a due liuti

La guerre




Ring Around Quartet 
Vera Marenco (soprano)
Manuela Litro (contralto)
Umberto Bartolini (tenore)
Alberto Longhi (baritono)

Paolo Graziano (basso)


Giuliano Lucini (liuto)

Elisa La Marca (liuto)

Roberto Piumini (voce recitante)

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